
    The Year Round Whitetail Hunter

    Breaking down the monthly activities of a continuously successful whitetail hunter.

    Series Description

    Whitetail hunting is much like many other aspects of life. The outside public sees the results but not the process. And it is our belief that it is the behind the scenes work that takes place all year round that leads to continued success in the whitetail world. In this series, we will track the monthly activities of Ryan Pudik and Matt Lynch…to provide an insiders look into what these guys do throughout the year in order to achieve continued success.

    Podcast Series Introduction

    Podcast Speakers

    Ryan Pudik

    Ryan is a managing partner here at LandCo and has been hunting trophy whitetails for over two decades. He has over 30 Pope & Young whitetails including over 15 Boone & Crockets!

    Matt Lynch

    Matt and his family have a long history of practicing land management and conservation. The commitment has paid off with several world class deer.

    John OReilly

    John is a managing partner here at LandCo and the host of the LandCo Podcast.