This place is a fishing paradise. If we can pull out fish like this in 100 degree days, I cant wait to see what the fall brings. I have heard some crazy stories about the fishing in these lakes and I am starting to believe them. Pro Staffers Aaron Literski and Chef Todd each took a trip out there and netted some giants. Take a look at these pics. We hope to get out there soon to get some more pics and footage! Im trying to get Chef Todd to email me his property assessment but he doesnt quite have the email thing pegged yet. I’ll I’ve got out of him so far is “MEGA. MEGA. Bass fishery Dude.”
Aaron had this to say about the farm…
Simply, this farm is a fisherman’s dream. We started the day at “Joker Lake” or “Bass Lake”. Fifteen to eighteen inch fish were plentiful. Even with the lake levels down this summer, there was still lots of cover and structure to fish. My partner Rich Frederick from BASS 25 caught two bass over 4 pounds on back to back casts. As the weather moved in we pulled out and moved to the main lake, or “Long Lake”. We started by hammering bluegill with spinnerbaits and wacky worms. We caught bass non stop from 10:00 am till 2:30 pm. We caught several crappie as well. This lake is really beautiful. There is a great mix of deep water, rocks and structure, and aquatic vegetation. We stopped and bank fished several other small ponds, all producing fish. We saw several deer and lots of geese on the property. The 35 acre wetland looks awesome. I know it will produce some great waterfowl hunts.
– Aaron Literski
Illinois Land Company Pro Staff